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CoC Guides of How to Upgrade Fast at Town Hall 1-7

  • 2018-01-26 18:09:13
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  • gold.raiditem

Are you still at Town Hall 1-7 in Clash of Clans? Do you want to know how to upgrade fast and speed up your progress? If so, read the following contents for more details.


No matter which level you are, you always need to build new buildings to level 1 to distract the enemy's units. BTW, gold.raiditem can also offer you hot sale CoC gems with cheap price and safe, fast delivery.

Laboratory for new troop upgrades, you should put it to the first priority. The higher level of troops you have, the more strong your army will be, the more loot you can raid. Upgrading Laboratory first will shorten your way to next Town Hall level.

Clan Castle is one of the most important defenses that you need to upgrade first. Low TH players usually forget to check the Clan troops, this mistake can ruin the attack every time. When you are at low Town Hall levels, you can always 3 stars with high level troops from your Clanmates. And with those troops, you can stop almost attacks from the enemies. Clan Castle is also the building which has the longest range in game.
After upgrading your Splash damage buildings, the next defense you need to upgrade is Tesla. Why? Because Tesla has perfect damage, attack speed, does x2 damage on P.E.K.K.As and has a quite long upgrade time. If you upgrade Teslas late, your road to the next TH level will be delayed. While upgrading Teslas, you will have time to do a lot of other things.

Archer Tower can attack both ground and air units with a long range and really fast attack speed but require a quite long time for upgrading. By upgrading Archer Towers, you won't need to worry about Minions.

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