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Professional items in 100% guarantee Buy Nostalrius Gold shops

  • 2017-07-17 18:46:45
  • Nostalrius Gold
  • buy Nostalrius Gold

The partnership between the World of Warcraft legacy projects Nostalrius and Elysium, which only got underway in December 2016, has already gone sideways. Nostalrius gold, which shared its source code and user database with Elysium after being forced offline by a Blizzard cease-and-desist order, is now calling on Elysium to stop using that data because it's having a detrimental effect on efforts to bring about official support for legacy content. Here gold.raiditem shares Nostalrius official news.


The problem, as Nostalrius sees it, is that only a small portion of former Nostalrius players have made the move to Elysium, while legacy fans in general have acquired a reputation of 'pirates' on the official WoW community, according to this announcement posted on the Nostalrius forums. At this time, maybe you are thinking that where can I buy nostalrius gold for safe, fast and cheap is always your first choice to buy Nostalrius Gold. We offer Nostalrius Gold for all the servers including private servers. 

We have already demonstrated that there is a true desire for Legacy WoW content, and players in need for a home. Only a few people deny the viability of legacy content. You have been an amazing community demonstrating this to the world, this step is as a consequence achieved, the message says. As a professional Nostalrius gold seller, we would like to share these updates that from Nostalrius project, and Nostalrius fans are exciting these updates. We know that Nostalrius carries the hopes of the legacy community but moving from 'fan server' to 'pirate server' reputation makes it harder to convince that legacy fans have a place on the WoW community. Until this stigma is removed, it's unlikely any true progress towards official legacy content can be achieved.