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Boom Beach: Top 3 Keys to A Winning Strategy-Gold.raiditem

  • 2017-12-21 14:25:30
  • gold.
  • Boom Beach diamonds
  • buy Boom Beach Diamonds

Boom Beach is from the makers of Clash of Clans and is one of the best strategy games for Android. We have some useful tips, tricks and strategies here.


Boom Beach diamonds: Even in Boom Beach, diamonds are particularly important, as you can accelerate the construction of your buildings and troops with them. Definitely you need Boom Beach diamonds to arrange your resources wisely and reach the final success fast. Here, we recommend you choose gold. to buy Boom Beach diamonds cheap and safe instead of farming diamond via completing daily quests or doing other boring quests. As you earn to the coveted premium currency, you can learn some great ways to spend it here.

1. Pay attention to the card (Archipelago), because it appears at irregular intervals in chests. There are often several Boom Beach diamonds located in it. So keep your eyes peeled.

2. You can find Boom Beach diamonds when you dive with the submarine. Before the job starts, you will happily see how many Boom Beach diamonds you get after the completion of the mission.

3. Conquer as many achievements and POIs in Boom Beach because you will be rewarded with diamonds.

Boom Beach tower protection

1. Place a tower as back as far as possible because it has a large range.

2. If you need to destroy a tower you should attack with shock bombs.

Boom Beach strategies

1. Attacks from your boat can take out enemy towers. 

2. The hut in Boom Beach should be upgraded quickly so you can get gold faster.

3. At the beginning, you should place your headquarters near your boat as it can be easily defended against enemy attackers.

4. It pays to start using diamonds with your headquarters and invest and build it quickly. After that, use your diamonds to recruit soldiers faster. 

Once you have more XP, put your headquarters in the middle of the map. Then buy lots of defenses to protect it.

Whether you're a beginner or a veteran, the tricks above will help you a lot. As more and more game sites appear, it also increases shopping risk. Why not buy Boom Beach Diamonds on We are the most professional game currency supplier who has over 10 years’ experience of helping gamers to improving their gameplay performance. Buy now!