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World of Tanks Blitz:Details Information of Various Tanks You Should Know

  • 2017-10-17 18:30:24
  • World of Tanks Blitz Gold
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  • gold.raiditem

How to finish various kinds of difficult tasks in World of Tanks Blitz? Both World of Tanks Blitz Gold and guides are necessary. And as the best World of Tanks Blitz Gold buying site, gold.raiditem also offers you top free game guides that can be helpful to move further.


What I want to share with you for today are various tanks in World of Tanks Blitz. When you first start World of Tanks Blitz, you'll have three tanks at your disposal. They all have relatively light armor, which makes them vulnerable but speedy. It may feel like you can't do much against heavier tanks, but every member of the team has a role to play, and for new recruits, that role is usually scouting. And gold.raiditem can offer you 100% cheap and safe World of Tanks Blitz Gold to strengthen your role.

You can also help out by trying to take out the treads on bigger tanks. The reason why it's important to know what role you'll be playing in the preparation phase is so that you know what kind of ammo to bring with you.

Light tanks are speedy, easily damaged, and are best used for scouting. They're represented on the HUD by a solid diamond. All three of the starting tanks are of this type, and the best way you can help out if you're driving one of these is to search out enemy tanks. Once you spot one, it puts that tank on the map for all of your teammates, a valuable service. The other advantage to a light tank is in its maneuverability. You can easily circle around behind heavier tanks and pop them in their rear where their armor is weaker. Once you get past a certain point in the tech tree, you won't see many more light tanks, so they're mostly meant for beginning players.

Medium tanks are the middle ground in all respects and can fill different roles in a pinch. They're represented on the HUD by a diamond with one slice through it. You'll unlock at least one of these pretty soon after starting, and depending on how you like to play, this might end up being your favorite kind of tank thanks to its versatility. You have to be careful since you can be outmaneuvered by light tanks and outgunned by heavy ones, but that's the nature of the jack-of-all-trades.

Heavy tanks can soak up damage like no one's business, but they are slower than a mule in molasses. Their symbol on the HUD is a diamond with two slices through it. It takes a while before you can unlock your first heavy tank, which is probably a good thing because they can be pretty tricky to use. A heavy tank's job is to protect its teammates by attracting the enemy's shots. This type of tank is very slow, and if someone takes out your treads, it won't be long before they circle around to your weak points, so be careful.

Tank destroyers are exactly what they say on the tin. Their HUD symbol is an inverted triangle. These are a bit difficult to use for a beginner, since they're quite weak in almost every respect. Their specialty comes in the heavy damage their cannon does to regular tanks. It's best to think of these as snipers, and if you're playing one, you should act as such. Hang back and find a safe place to fire from. A well-positioned tank destroyer can turn the tide of a match, but the other team is as aware of that as you will be, so play it very carefully.

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