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Barbarian Greater Rift Level60 Upgrade service(Immortal-Hammer of the Ancients Build)

Barbarian Greater Rift Level60 Upgrade service(Immortal-Hammer of the Ancients Build)

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1. You will get full set specified Legendary gears.
2. This dress-up and build will help you easily clear level 60 Greater Rift. 
3. All the items and gold will be kept in your inventory. 
4. Free Paragon Level upgrade. 
5. You need to provide your account. 
6. Estimated Time: 1 day. 

Immortal King's Triumph
Immortal King's Eternal Reign
Strongarm Bracers
Immortal King's Irons
Immortal King's Tribal Binding
Immortal King's Stride
Mara's Kaleidoscope
Fury of the Ancients
The Gavel of Judgment
Immortal King's Stature

Use Kanai's Cube to Extract Legendary Power:
The Furnace
Bracers of the First Men