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Revelation Online: Imperial Wars Update -

  • 2018-06-25 17:40:57
  • Revelation Online Imperial Coins
  • Revelation Online Coins

Can you help your server prevail against others? Will you overcome old rivalries and band together to fight for your server? The Imperial Wars Update is your chance to find out!


Revelation Online is a free-to-play (open beta) massive multiplayer online role-playing game. In order to be able to have a better experience and improve your equipment in the game, there are many reliable online game market provide Revelation Online Coins for players. 

As a result, the entire staff of the server can now be mobilized to defend its territory against another server and maintain control over the Empire Border. The border is the largest map in the game, and with several castles, castles and camps, it will undoubtedly become a strategic point in the battle.

Each week, two waiters will be able to participate in various activities on the entire map: attacking the camp, commending the mission or chasing chaotic crystals to obtain valuable resources. If each player wishes to have the opportunity to win the expected return after the final weekend match, they will have to participate in these daily activities.

Every Sunday, as many as 300 players from both sides will be able to participate in the final confrontation along the border of the Empire. In addition, some new features have been added to the title:

Focus: New optimization options increase healing and reduce damage to characters.

Mercenaries: You can hire these people to help players fight! But don't expect them to be loyal, only money motivates them.

Badges and Runes: New Choices to Improve Discovery.

As many players know, is the most popular store of Revelation Online Imperial Coins. In order to celebrate the update of Revelation Online, prepared a large stock of Revelation Online Imperial Coins for players to buy. If you are interested to know more about buying Revelation Online Coins, or have questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Check out our marketplace now for a taste of endgame fun!