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Home >> Albion Online Silver >> Tips To Became Rich on Albion Online Silver Tips To Became Rich on Albion Online Silver

  • 2017-12-12 15:56:31
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Nowadays, there are a lot of ways to make some cash in the game in the form of albion online silver. One of the most popular ways is picking up some extra dosh is by killing monsters and picking up what they have left over.

article The approach mentioned above does work well, but it would be better to do some form of plan. Not saying that you do every detail in detail to get the maximum amount of albion online silver at the end of every session, but following some of these easy to follow, simple tips tricks will make your grinding/farming life that much easier.

Gathering and Crafting: To start things off simply, I would recommend spending some time gathering resources that you'll find spread out around you. These resources don't need to be refined, providing you can't be asked to refine them, but selling them either way is going to net you a pretty penny before too long.
The only major downside to spending so much time gathering resources and selling them is that you're not going to be levelling or progressing your character very much, as you won't be getting the experience needed to level them up. All of this is especially the case when you're just starting out with a new character, but if you've made some headway into the game already you won't have quite as much to worry about.
Unlike gathering, crafting requires a bit more time and effort spent into it, as you're going to need to acquire enough crafting experience to start making items that can sell for more and more. However, if you manage to put in the effort to start off improving your crafting ability; while it may start off pretty tedious, it will quickly ramp up just enough to start making you some serious cash that after too long, gathering won't be able to provide you with. Crafting is just one of those things you're going to need to keep working at, because as soon as you progress far enough into it, you will be making the kind of albion online silver that won't be able to complain about.

Real Estate: Albion Online features a system that allows you to purchase land, as well as to build houses and homes inside that portion of land that you've just purchased for yourself. This isn't the easiest method around, as it does require you to go out and try to locate a buyer, but putting the investment into the building will end up being a worthwhile investment very quickly.

The best way to make the most out of your new piece of real estate is to get them as close to town as you can possibly get them, since it's the most hotly sought after piece of real estate you will find inside the game. Now, it may take a little time before someone makes you an offer on the building that you're comfortable with, but if you're willing to put in the time and the resources – 9 times out of 10 you are going to make a profit.

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