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Check Out Latest FFXIV "The Feast" Season 9 Details on

  • 2018-08-15 12:17:30
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It's absolutely a big news for FFXIV players that The Feast is back again. Season 9 is calling on you. This time, you need to make a great effort in this PvP arena and show yourself.


In order to help you get prepared for this big event, will share all details of Season 9 with you. In addition, you can buy FFXIV gil on our website at the cheapest price to enhance yourself and be the outstanding one in the end. You can contact us to learn more later, let’s check out the details of Season 9 first. 

As you know, the Feast is a PvP arena in which the main objective is to steal your opponent's medals. The winner of these matches is determined by whichever team has the most at the end of each match. Individual PvP rating and tiers will also be assigned to players and the highest-ranked participants of each season will be awarded a special FFXIV item as prize. All players who are above Level 30 can participate in this event. And you need to defeat your competitors within 6 minutes. But there are lots of rules you must know before you step into the area. 

Entry Requirements

Ranked Match: 1 player. You can play as Tanks/ Melee DPS/ Ranged DPS/ Healers, but each role can only be used once in a team.

Training Match: 1-2 players. You can play as Tanks/ Melee DPS/ Ranged DPS/ Healers, but each role can only be used once in a team. 

Team Ranking Match: 4 players. You can play as Tanks/ Melee DPS/ Ranged DPS/ Healers, but each role can only be used once in a team. 


- Crystal Tower Training Grounds

- Lichenweed

- The Feasting Grounds

Rules of Engagement

You are able to get victory in one of two ways: be the first team to hold the requisite number of medals, or be the team holding the most medals when the time limit for the match expires. If a winner is not decided in the allotted time, the match will enter a "Sudden Death" period, wherein the victor will be decided.


Every player receives medals at the beginning of the match. Players that have been defeated by a member of the opposing team will drop half the medals in their possession. By moving over dropped medals, players can claim them as their own. Should the dropped medals for some reason go uncollected, they will vanish after a set period of time and be returned to the player that was originally in possession of them.

Ranking Rewards (Place)

- Top Prize: Furnishing (One Player per Data Center)

- Top Ten: Weapon (Ten Players per Data Center)

- Top Hundred: Head, Body, Hand, Leg, and Foot Gear (One Hundred Players per Data Center)

* The number of rewards distributed may differ between data centers in the event players have the same ranking.

* The top ten players will receive special tokens that can be exchanged for a weapon of their choice.

Ranking Rewards (Tier)

Players who reach bronze, silver, gold, platinum, or diamond tier by the end of the season will receive special tokens which can be exchanged for weapons. The number of tokens received will be based on tier placement.

* The top ten players will receive special tokens that can be exchanged for a weapon of their choice.

More details will be revealed in the feature, and will constantly update the latest information for you. Please keep tuned on our website. And you are highly welcomed to visit our website if you need huge FFXIV gil. We'd be very glad to offer you help. That would be our honor if we can help you.