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Flashpoint: the Only Left Episode in Guild Wars 2

  • 2017-05-04 18:01:29
  • Guild Wars 2 Gold US
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Yesterday, we introduced the release of Guild War 2: Heart of Thorns Living World Season 3, and revealed the major armors in the game. Today, we will continue to show some discussions.


As what you have expected, gold.raiditem has been passing latest information as well as offering Guild Wars 2 Gold US. Thus we always attach great importance to users’ evaluation and feedback. And what we have achieved in the past becomes motivation to push us forward. The Guild Wars 2 upgrades itself frequently, we too.

Who leads this season?
Flashpoint, one of the only left two episodes in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Living World Season 3 is now live. This episode will finally unlock the mystery that has dominated this season: just who is "Lazarus"? Previously, players discovered that an aspect needed to resurrect him was actually not available, so there is no possible way that this could be him–he must be an imposter!

Why does the fight revive?
Before the season's coming, we witnessed a fantastic war which was started to fight against the Elder Dragons. Now some changes happen. As the Taimi has forged a machine capable of stopping their rampage, the battle will be renewed. Both storylines come to a head in "Flashpoint": what will players find, and will they be able to stave off destruction in Tyria?

What does legendary armor mean?
Legendary armor is also released. Players can change both its look and abilities.This time  players will be able to complete the collection. The release of Flashpoint makes it possible for players to obtain and see legendary armor in the wardrobe. To complete the collection, players will need to visit and interact with the only living thing remaining in the Bastion of the Penitent once the prison has been cleared. 

How can players adapt to new changes?
Apart from what we have mentioned, there are several other tweaks and improvements to the expansion. It is the time to make a good preparation for its coming. Gold.raiditem is pleased to help you pass different checkpoints in game. With the help of Guild Wars Gold, you will be lucky to adapt to new changes though there will be other addition unknown to us. 

Last, but not least, we get the chance to see two attractive PS4 themes that will be included after Stormblood's pre-orders. And if you are interested in more themes, you can download the benchmark to test out your PC. In the future, gold.raiditem will pay much attention to the game's update. Meanwhile, if you want to buy GW 2 Gold, welcome to visit the website. Hope all of you enjoy new expansion.