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Release Notes and Two Changes in Overwinter Nights Online

  • 2017-05-26 18:34:07
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Overwinter Nights Online has embrace its latest patch, and as we expected, many changes take place to adjust to players’ requirement. We have paid much attention to release notes and new features. Here gold.raiditem will glimpse at the new info of it.


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Overflow Bag Changes
Some changes are made in the latest release such as the Overflow Bag. People guess it was intended to be a temporary storage location for key materials including quest objectives and rewards. Unluckily, it holds a heavy burden because of over-use, which may set some obstacles for players when they changes maps. Meanwhile, problems also appears if you want to log in. All that data must be parsed through server receiving. Then sent around to other players.

What's improvement need to be done?
Players are not foolish to buy overwinter nights online gold if a new change hardly makes good effects. Over For overflow bags, it should reduce partial impact on the server and allow players to do their questing, gain items. In addition, it should offer a reminder to help clean inventory once some emergency happen like returning to Protectors Enclave. The main purpose of this new change is to make players feel comfortable instead of experiencing reduced lag.
Queue Changes
When queuing using the Private Queue system, the Item Level requirement is now lower. This should allow coordinated groups to do gear-light challenge runs of certain content, and allow for "carry groups" while still maintaining some progression. 

Classes Changes
Asides from what we discussed above, there are other two changes should be noticed when it comes to Guardian Fighter. This feat's effects now properly provide 5% reduced damage per stack, rather than 5% reduced damage regardless of stacks.

It's unclear that whether these changes can really confirm what the game has promised before new patch notes. But Gold.raiditem will keep update our news column to leak more useful info. Most importantly, cheap and fast overwinter nights online diamond is hot sale on our website. We hope our products match your expectations.