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Barbarian Greater Rift Level90(Zodiac WW)

Barbarian Greater Rift Level90(Zodiac WW)

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1. You will get full set specified Ancient Legendary gears.
2. This dress-up and build will help you easily clear level 90 Greater Rift. 
3. All the items and gold will be kept in your inventory. 
4. Free Paragon Level upgrade. 
5. You need to provide your account. 
6. Estimated Time: 1-2 Weeks.

This set includes: 
Helm: Helm of the Wastes(Ancient Legendary) 
Shoulder: Pauldrons of the Wastes(Ancient Legendary) 
Torso: Cuirass of the Wastes(Ancient Legendary) 
Wrist: Ancient Parthan Defenders(Ancient Legendary) 
Hand: Gauntlet of the Wastes(Ancient Legendary) 
Waist: Pride of Cassius(Ancient Legendary) 
Leg: Tasset of the Wastes(Ancient Legendary) 
Feet: Sabaton of the Wastes(Ancient Legendary) 
Amulet: Hellfire Amulet(Ancient Legendary) 
Ring 1: Skull Grasp(Ancient Legendary) 
Ring 2: Convention of Elements(Ancient Legendary) 
Weapon: Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow(Ancient Legendary) 
Off-Hand: Bul-Kathos's Warrior Blood(Ancient Legendary) 

Use Kanai's Cube to Extract Legendary Power: 
The Furnace 
Mantle of Channeling 
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac 

Legendary Gems: 
Bane of the Stricken 
Pain Enhancer 

Tips: Contact live-support to customize a build you like. talk with live-support for any problems.